All I know is that NG is the only place (I know of) that still supports freedom of speech. All the other sites I've uploaded my flashes to, they either banned me or removed all my movies and/or pictures.
Thank you NG for being so supportive!
Little Big Apocalypse, REBOOT/Damaged Bads
I don't know
Joined on 12/18/99
All I know is that NG is the only place (I know of) that still supports freedom of speech. All the other sites I've uploaded my flashes to, they either banned me or removed all my movies and/or pictures.
Thank you NG for being so supportive!
Damn, that's messed up. True tho, NG will let almost anything be on the portal.
By futuristic, do you mean like the theme of the flash or how it was made, etc etc?
Futuristic as in, something ahead of it's time, not in the future or futuristic setting.
I always thought "that there she is" and all of adam phillips flashes are ahead of our time in animation.
This collab probobly made me want to start animating
<a href=<a href=""> /158218</a>>The Matrix Has You</a>
mainly because I thought it was hilarious and I loved metal mavericks style
Newgrounds cares about innovation, well some parts of it do. There are lots of artists that go unnoticed even though there producing new and inventive things.
<a href=""> /343424</a>
Look at the score on that. Crazy.
Populist animations with no thought and a few crude jokes will always be what is popular, on this site. But it doesnt mean that there arnt innovations going on else where on the site.
Most ahead of it's time flash: Future (music video in Music video collection). It's seriously immense, give it a look!
I will, I hadn't heard of it =-o
newgrounds pretends to care about innovation. example: responses to VG parody # xxxx to any well-made original cartoon. anything truly innovative usually winds up in that "diamond in the rough" category after years of being under-appreciated. but it's not newgrounds' fault - it's simply human nature. people prefer to be entertained by familiarity because it is comfortable and easy. people don't like to think, people don't like change. people are shallow, and consequently - albeit most importantly - people are easy to entertain. it's what you try to entertain them with that makes a whole world of difference
the most ahead of its' time i've ever seen is probably "Future" by Celarent
and i don't really understand the collab question. collabs don't effect me in any particular manner. they're either good or bad like any other solo cartoon
Actually, in my opinion, a good collab or solo flash does effect you, it's not just good or bad. The best flashes DO effect you, that's why they are the best.... cause they are able to make you ignore the computer and really get engaged in the content.
I looked up innovation and yes I do think they offer new stuff each day.
Feel good inc. collab
:D :D
I truley believe Newgrounds Cares. not only the heads but newgrounds as a community cares. Tom regularly posts about neat stuff he finds on newgrounds. innovative, funny, deep all that kind of stuff that he likes he posts about and links to it and brings to light movies that otherwise would've been left in the dark. he's not only the owner. he's a member of the community also.
his flash ain't too shabby either.
as far as flash that is ahead of it's time I believe John Su (Mouskliks) animation shoo fly is an awesome animation that showed what flash is capable of at the time with a little hard work. it's still one of the most fluid animations i've ever seen. most of his works for that matter are pretty darn good.
I agree with you on Shoo fly, I remember seeing that and thinking it was amazing..
Depends on your definition of "newgrounds" if you mean the people who run the site, yeah im pretty sure quite a few of em care about innovation.
If you mean a newgrounds regular patron, people who regularly view and/or submit flash...its probably 50/50.
If you mean the massive general audience who decide whats
I dont know what can be classed "ahead of its time"....everythings been done right?
Well collabs suck.....but i once did a collab way back with butterflysmasher that made me realize i really liked drawing and showed me that if i worked at it i would definitely get better and ultimately got me out of doing crappy sprite animations.
Yeah, collabs seem to get people interested because there isn't the intimdation of a big project... and it's always nice to go on a message board with your collab members and discuss each others work.
Newgrounds appreciates innovation but it is rarely noticed for more than a week. Once in a while a new amazing series will make it to front page but will be quickly forgotten by the community due to nothing else being released of its kind.
Most futuristic ahead of its time series I have ever seen can't say I have. If a series would be ahead of its time it is quickly noticed and becomes amazing and leads the way to something awesome.. Although i honestly believe reboot may actually be a series that leads the way. And im not trying to be an ass kisser, I could care less, If someone else asked me this I would probably think that.
NG time trials. It led the way to all the other collabs out there.
I agree with most of the people here, innovation may be recognized and admired, but the front page cycles through so many things that only the most innovative things are recognized longer than there stay on the front page.
and I just watched Future and yes, I do believe that it is ahead of its time.
collabs i've liked are mainly 'sprite TV'(s) and the MGS collab(s), but others like 'pass my flash' are also very inoovative and thought provoking.
Speaking of some great flash movies how about the three part movie "Fallen Angel" it took forever to make and when I first saw the trailer it looked amazing to me. although when it was finally shown, the style of animation was proven to be possible some time before, it is still an amazing flash with a great premise.
Nope, there's a reason why CaptainMarmalade left.
NG has some great flash works, but almost all of them go unnoticed. That's just what people do with everything though.
Don't think Newgrounds care wether it's parodies or orginal.
If they're done bad they both suck anyways.