Little Big Apocalypse, REBOOT/Damaged Bads

I don't know


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Nicely said

What a funny post :O

Since you're previous previous post, I've become an atheist. There is no reason why a gay couple cannot be married.

Yay :D

I have 3 gay crushes on me ;)\

Makes me feel loved.



Revshare is a wonderful thing when you create controversy.

Well I, as a high-and-mighty Catholic, am against that. Men shouldn't do the cockdance with other men. Jesus said that!

*total sarcasm. i agree with you.

When I saw cockdance it made me think of "vagina-salsa". I'm not sure if that's a dance or a condiment.

Religion is stupid. Its a cover up for life. I don't really care what gay people do.

Check out this quote from the book Deathworld by Harry Harrison.

" The barbaric religions of primitive worlds hold not a germ of scientific fact, though they claim to explain all. Yet if one of these savages has all the logical ground for his beliefs taken away -- he doesn't stop believing. He then calls his mistaken beliefs 'faith' because he knows they are right. And he knows they are right because he has faith. This is an unbreakable circle of false logic that can't be touched in reality... [It's] A case of thinking 'what always was' will also 'always be'. And not wanting to blast the thinking patterns out of the old rut."

what's next. people marrying couches? omg, ban gay marriage

Gay marriage has become another 'victimless crime' in which the only reason there is opposition is through ignorance and intolerance. I think people are going to look back and say 'How could we have been so stupid? How could we have been so intolerant?' Just like I think when I examine slavery, and the discrimination against black people that followed it.

Personally, church sanctioned marriage should be only controlled by the church, but in the mean time, gay civil unions should get full marriage rights. I honestly, think that a televised debate between someone against gay civil unions and someone for it should take place, because the argument against it is horribly weak.

i really dont care if gay people get married i hate them just as much as i hate every one else

I also believe gays should be allowed to marry. some anti gay marriage people talk about the sanctity (spelling?) of marriage but that's bullshit since people are allowed to be married in a drive through chapel by an elvis impersonator. what's so Sacred about that? not only that marriage is used as a tool for money, citizenship and lots of other things besides love for each other.

why do straight people who don't love each other have more of a right to marry than a gay couple who love each other entirely?

Oh I love gay people to be married. Now if we could only stop those damn dirty heterosexuals....

so how do u know ALL this?

Gays shouldn't be able to get married, because its a Chrisitan thing, and Christians hate marridge.

I personaly don't give a shit if they are together, or even go to a registry office and become a couple, or do the whole ceremony in a church, but god apparently doesn't like it.

God is very closed minded

God doesn't exsist

What I think.

I don't hate gay people, in fact I know a couple of cool flavory dudes.

I do though think its wrong on account of the fact that we were obviously created for well ....Man with woman. Just like a plug was made to go into an out put.

If you stand back and think on the basic level of reproductive organs. They were maid for ...reproducing. You can't reproduce with male on male or female on female. Just like you can't make electricity with plug on plug or out put on out put, lol. I know its simple but its true.

The Bible leaves no room for confusion. It tells us that Jehovah God made man and woman and that he purposed for sexual desires to be fulfilled only between husband and wife. I know you don't believe in the bible but it means something to me when it says something is wrong.

"24 Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. "

- Romans 1: 24-27


bible wise

and in common seance Homosexuality is just wrong.

dude you never respond to my comments ....ever.

and I put so much into them too.

You put too much time into them, to respond I'd need to get out a bible and start writing paragraph upon paragraph of stuff... If you kept them short I could respond.

PLus you say homosexuality is wrong. It's not wrong, it's how someone is born. You also quote religious text, which is a no-no when you want to make an argument.

Homosexuality isn't wrong, religion is. You aren't born with a religion, you acquire it. It's unnnatural.

You wanna know what else isn't "natural"? Getting treatment at a hospital and surviving a battle with cancer...but religious people have no problem with going against god's will in that case, right? Oh, no, let me guess, in your little self-centered world god wants you to get treatment, because he thinks about you and talks to you all the time...right?

You're barking up the wrong tree, religion won't show you anything. It's a facade. It's fake. It was created to make poor people listen to rich people and not rebel.

Even now, smart people are feeding you religious bullshit because they want you to think and do what they do. I'm sorry you're a slave to a book.... but don't condemn gay people because you have no way out of your self-created prison of stupidity.

The bible was written before people knew that the earth revolved around the sun. In fact, it was written in a time where you would be put to death if you said such a thing. How can you still take certain parts of it so seriously? It's artifact of the past, of what people thought morals were.. things are different now. Time to grow up.

If it weren't for some courageous people going against religion, your words wouldn't be here. In fact, there would be no public forum.. there would be no conversing about things, that wouldn't be allowed.. and if religion takes over our country, that will be the future too because these things happen in cycles.

Take a look at the middle east, that's what happens when no one challenges religion. That's what happens when people don't know how to interpret something and instead they take it literally. They think it's ok to rape pre-teen girls because Allah did.

Thankfully, Jesus wasn't a pedophile (that I know of).. I actually think he's a pretty stand-up guy from the scripture. Too bad almost NO christians follow his real teachings, they follow the right wing and what their priest says. Politics and Religion have merged for conservatives... and it's hurt them both.

End scene. :D

response for each paragraph.

Oh sorry I'll try to make it short and to the point.

Ok no religious text quotes. I'll just tell you what I feel and know.

I believe that we are all born with a spiritual need, and if it is not fulfilled we can never be truly happy.

Please don't group me together with all religion, most religions practice the most idiotic pointless things and set the worst example. "Getting treatment at a hospital and surviving a battle with cancer...but religious people have no problem with going against god's will in that case, right?" wait ...are you saying that getting treatment for illnesses is going against gods will. God gave us these bodies as a gift, he wants us to take care of them. As long as we don't go against what he has commanded. In fact I would rather die than take blood because the bible says to abstain from it.

I don't think I would call what I have a religion, I have a way of life that has not blinded me but showed me everything, answered all my questions. My mind isn't closed it is opened to everything. Can you explain everything? Its a wonderful feeling when you know what your purpose is. Oh and religion wasn't created for that purpose but it was used for it.

lol, No one is feeding me anything. I was the given the bible and encouraged to see if it was true or not and not to act as other man but to do my best as an imperfect human to imitate Jesus's example. I am no slave, I could stop following Jesus example anytime. In fact its quit a task. But its the MOST fulfilling way of life. Oh and I'm not condemning homosexuals there imperfect just like you and me. "self-created prison of stupidity" Thats very clever man. I would self-created prison of blindness ...but I wouldn't be referring to me.

God never Changes. Good never changes. Bad never changes. Its just that as this world nears its end peoples views on weather bad is good or good is bad or weather bad is really bad becomes distorted. The bible stated that the earth was a sphere long before it was proven.

So ...your not talking about people who actually follow the bible your talking about people who say they do, and twist what the bible says to justify there actions.

Again False religion.

"Too bad almost NO christians follow his real teachings, they follow the right wing and what their priest says." Your absolutely right its disgusting ...it really is, and the priest are the worst getting payed for misleading people and telling them lies.

I tried to keep it short ...but your response was long what'd'ya want from me :D

"I believe that we are all born with a spiritual need, and if it is not fulfilled we can never be truly happy."

Why? That makes no sense, that would mean every animal has a spirtual need. Only humans have created religion, there's a reason for that. It's because they can't deal with the dog-eat-dog world that is known as the animal world. We have to elevate ourselves higher somewhere so we don't feel like life is so fragile. Spirtual is a word created by humans, it had no meaning before.

"Please don't group me together with all religion, most religions practice the most idiotic pointless things and set the worst example. "Getting treatment at a hospital and surviving a battle with cancer...but religious people have no problem with going against god's will in that case, right?" wait ...are you saying that getting treatment for illnesses is going against gods will. God gave us these bodies as a gift, he wants us to take care of them. As long as we don't go against what he has commanded. In fact I would rather die than take blood because the bible says to abstain from it."

I'm sure you an already understand my feelings as an atheist from your first remarks in this paragraph. You are an atheist as well. You just ignore your atheism for one religion. The other religions, that you say "believe in stupid pointless things" are the same as yours. They are all stupid any pointless and none of it makes sense. It's all just wishful thinking.

"I don't think I would call what I have a religion, I have a way of life that has not blinded me but showed me everything, answered all my questions. My mind isn't closed it is opened to everything. Can you explain everything? Its a wonderful feeling when you know what your purpose is. Oh and religion wasn't created for that purpose but it was used for it."

I don't really think your mind is open as you have these strange imaginery ideas that you claim as being true. Just like a fly we swat and kill, humans have no purpose except to mate and continue the species. That's how we evolved, we evolved with a need to replicate and keep going. This god stuff is just a way to make us feel special and as if we live forever.

What is your purpose? Doing what god says? Isn't that kind of easy? Think of all the millions of people that do that, is your purpose really to just follow along? Sounds like a shitty purpose. Following a book isn't really hard if you think you'll be immortal if you follow it. It's the easist choice in the world if your foolish enough to believe it.

"lol, No one is feeding me anything. I was the given the bible and encouraged to see if it was true or not and not to act as other man but to do my best as an imperfect human to imitate Jesus's example. I am no slave, I could stop following Jesus example anytime. In fact its quit a task. But its the MOST fulfilling way of life. Oh and I'm not condemning homosexuals there imperfect just like you and me. "self-created prison of stupidity" Thats very clever man. I would self-created prison of blindness ...but I wouldn't be referring to me."

Lol, I'm blind? You see something that isn't there, what is that called? Oh, that's what crazy people do. If Jesus came back today claiming he tlked to god, he'd probably end up a crazy homeless guy on the street. It's cause we realize that crazy people say those things for attention or to manipulate people and to bend people to their will.

Some might say you are weak because life is too hard for you to get by without clinging to religion. You have to have a father figure(god) telling you what to do, making you feel like you have a purpose. WHy not figure out your own purpose? Is that so hard? I mean... god can't talk to you, so it's not like he gave you a purpose anyway, you're making it up. lol.

"God never Changes. Good never changes. Bad never changes. Its just that as this world nears its end peoples views on weather bad is good or good is bad or weather bad is really bad becomes distorted. The bible stated that the earth was a sphere long before it was proven."

Good never changes? Eh? What does that stuff even mean. There is no good or bad, just gray. Also, evil is in the eye of the beholder, so it's hard to even approach that statement.

This world isn't nearing it's end, lol. Your religion is. Sad to say but religion will become very unpopular soon. There will be no rapture, although religious crazy will try to start their own when they realize this. Get a grip dude. Jesus isn't coming back, he was probably not even talking to god, deal with it. Get a job. Start a family and die happy, stop thinking such fantastic fairytales to get you through the day.

"Too bad almost NO christians follow his real teachings, they follow the right wing and what their priest says." Your absolutely right its disgusting ...it really is, and the priest are the worst getting payed for misleading people and telling them lies. "

I"m happy we have some agreement. I think the worst facet of religion is how easily it can be twisted and manipulated by people in power. Religion itself is kind of incidious, it preys on people's fear of dying, of never seeing their family again, of being inconsequential.

how bout ghosts? do you believe in ghosts?

I suppose there could be some strange multi-universe string-theory reason for apparitions appearing... but most ghost stories are based on the underlying belief that there is a heaven and hell and ghosts, somehow, didn't get to either. I don't really believe in them and there hasn't ever been concrete evidence.

I believe in aliens though! Though, I doubt they are watching us.. it could actually be true though, as opposed to ghosts.