I can't make out what it is, but it's still cool seeing a progress update!
Little Big Apocalypse, REBOOT/Damaged Bads
I don't know
Joined on 12/18/99
I can't make out what it is, but it's still cool seeing a progress update!
I would post better screens but I want stuff to be a surprise.
OOOOO OH OH. I know what it is!. by the looks of it, their is a man inside the pod, i see two chairs one is empty one is filled with the man, and is this like a ride of some sort or possibly a escape pod which i doubt since it has windows. My best guess would be a cabbin on a train or maybe one of the chairs in a farris wheel? Tell me if i'm right or not id love to know. Looks pretty cool
You're pretty observant :P
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/phot os-ak-snc1/v1945/74/76/43100610/n 43100610_30888569_1100.jpg
Here's a screenshot from one of the levels
Feels like Duke Nukem Forever at this point. .-.
I dunno what to tell you. lol. You'll have to trust me, if you like what I do.
I see a really interesting opportunity with Little Big Apocalypse. Reboot 11/12/13 will be released. Sorry things aren't instant. I'm just one guy.
My work on LBA is really going to make Reboot much better. LBA is a very different style, more fast-paced. It's what I need more of in Reboot, so it's sort of a test and practice.
When you see LBA, even if you didn't play the series, you'll be happy. You'll probably like it more than your favorite Reboot episode.. but that's if people don't hassle me constantly to finish things. When people keep asking me to hurry up, it makes me take shortcuts... cause I hate sitting on content and not releasing it. That's what she said.
I'm having Reboot withdraw, its sooooo cooooooold *cough* *cough*