nice, I'm excited to see the conclusion to reboot. I like the way you incorporate music with your animations i think the way you use it is very captivating. will you be using the same style you've been using in LBA and Reboot in future projects?
Little Big Apocalypse, REBOOT/Damaged Bads
I don't know
Joined on 12/18/99
nice, I'm excited to see the conclusion to reboot. I like the way you incorporate music with your animations i think the way you use it is very captivating. will you be using the same style you've been using in LBA and Reboot in future projects?
Glad some Reboot fans are still around :) I think the style you mention is just my style, I can't escape it, lol. I plan to use the same style in future projects too! Reboot is going to be a be musical send off to the series :D.
Little big Apocalypse is sort of like a low-key version of Reboot's musical aspects, not as in your face, it's a more quiet journey... at least the start anyway. Hope you stick around to check out my new stuff!
That cover actually looks really cool.... those art classes must be amazing.
I did that before the art classes, but yeah the classes are pretty cool, it's decreasing my suckage tremendously.
I'm still working on reading LBA... so I guess now I have a deadline to actually catch up! Even though I came for Reboot, I also enjoyed the LBA animations, and the first few chapters of the comic that I've read. I don't know why I have a harder time getting myself to read the comics, even when I like it... confuses me a little.
What tbng said is exactly what got me hooked into Reboot all those years ago. I can't wait for episode 13. ;.; I'm still not too into your LBA stuff but that cover is quite nice.
I'll be honest, the only reason I'm back on Newgrounds was to see if you'd finished Reboot. Can't wait!
Need me some of the Reboot episode 13!
Come on!
If you need moneys, kickstart it! Ill give money!
Whoa, that is some very interesting artwork. You have me intrigued; I might have to check this out! I've never heard of you or your comics before!
JMartin97 (Updated )
The comics start out a little rough, I will admit, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it, hope you like it :) Check out the first animation, if you want to understand the backstory, the comic starts after the intro sort of.