I've been working on Reboot 11 quite a bit but there's still a whole hell of a lot to do. I think people will be SHOCKED at what happens... well, at least that's what I'm going for.. This next "chapter" of reboot might turn a lot of people off, as it kind of takes a turn into very dark territory... then again, maybe it was dark anyway, I dunno... This episode will be much better than the last, and I think it pretty much ties everything up before the big change.
Anyway, here's a picture, there will be better ones in the next few updates... but I still don't wanna ruin the suprises, there's like a million. This next episode will be an orgasm for anyone that's a hardcore videogame fan.
"This next episode will be an orgasm for anyone that's a hardcore videogame fan."
does that means that you'll be making witty observations?
"so like, have you noticed in mario, when you eat a mushroom, you get larger. but in real life, that doesn't happen?"
"hahaha! that was the funniest thing i have ever heard."
- rtil