I've managed to get as much work as I usually get done in a month... in a week, so things are going a lot faster than before. I'm mostly just polishing up the different scenes now. This has already reached way past 16000 frames, I have no idea how many anymore since I had to put each scene in a movie clip, so I wouldn't have to cut Reboot short. I have to say though...it's turned into something better than I ever Imagined I could do.
This episode will be the sum of all I have learned so far... It has pretty much consumed my free time the last 5 months. Although, I did take a few big breaks in between... it was summer after all.
That's alot of frames... any estimate on how many minutes it is going to be now? In a way I want it to be finished fast, but then when it gets released... I know I will just end up wanting more anyway. So the wait will only make it better I guess! Thanks for all of your hard work - I only messed with flash a little bit before I gave up on it. I realize how much work you have to put into it to even get the simplest of things done sometimes... I can only imagine what you'd have to do with something like reboot as being impossible.