I'm sorry! I hate reading updates that say stuff isn't done... and I bet I'm not a lone. It's all for good stuff though, as I basically added a new 4 min segment to it. It's really starting to look like a real cartoon... o_o it's freaking me out. It actually has a structure of an introduction, rising action, and then conclusion...all while retaining everything that's been in the series before.
Wanna know a huge problem though?
I think we all know that, although there are some parts where I'd rather just have text for the voices...
If anyone would like to lend their voices, please send me a PM! I'll be checking them daily, so don't not send one just cause you think no one checks PMs!
I'm looking for both male and female! Interested and have a decent mic? Let me know, if I get good enough voice talent, I'll put your names over the opening intro (OMG FAMEZ).
never realy done VA id like to try very much tho
i got a mike and all my giuld mates say they can hear me all right ,i dont no if its real good since i cant hear it but you tell me,ill send pm. and who nos if you gt desprete,BTW im 13 sooo...ya