These were leaked earlier today..
Today a tape was released in which a frantic Steve Jobs calls into the redwood city bar one of his employee's left an unreleased Iphone 4g in. As Steve pleads for the owner to return his calls, he starts getting desperate.
Check out this excerpt from a new short story I'm working on:
The Gulag's - Sci/Isolationism/Horror
Chapter 1
Karina watched as the colossal machine came into view, the air locks to her right and left hissed. As expected, navigation systems were transitioning to automatic pilot. The last crew had recorded this happening during their arrival as well. The first crew sent to investigate the Gulag had not anticipated The Gulag's navigation system. Instead of letting the ship transition to auto pilot, they desperately tried to re-initialize manual controls. This caused part of the ship's hull to lurch forward and the pressure caused cracks in three parts of the hull. It didn't take long for space to seep in.
In the blink of an eye the ship was inside out, flinging it's contents in all directs. With all the world watching, the crew was sent flying into space. They had their suits on but many would argue that made things worse. Instead of a quick painful death, they had to play the waiting game.
Back at home, the world had listened in horror as the screams of the astronauts were broadcast through the nanocloud uncensored. After only seconds, the signal was cut. The damage had been done though and that generation would never forget the astronaut's screams . What did those crew members think as they sped away from one and other? Did they bother to look back? The sheer hopelessness was almost unimaginable to Karina.
Karina stood at the front of the maintenance hanger, she was alone, or so she had thought. A slimy hand grasped her from behind. She sighed, then turned, his eyes were green today. She wondered what he was sad about, there's no doubt that's why he sought her company. As he runs his hand through her emerald hair, his pupils seem to burn into her, his eyes change red.
"I told you to clean up the instruments in the shutter!", he releases her hand, he points out toward the deck. A glittery dust floats by the ship. Both stop to watch it. Chane looks back at Karina, Karina's gaze doesn't leave the window.
"We're lucky nothing shifted when The Gulag's systems caught our ship, in case you didn't notice we have some flammable objects on-board!" Chane barked. He was right, she should have known better... but her first glimpse of the Gulag had been mesemerizing. The Gulag was the only ship of it's kind, a sprawling jail and insane asylum. Thirty five years ago it had disappeared near pluto, along with all 5 million inmates and crew members.
Thirty years later, Teen-C, a satellite orbiting Mercury snapped pictures of a huge mass orbiting Venus. It was the Gulag. After several attempts to communicate with the Gulag recievers, Teen-C discovered packets of information being actively broadcast by the Gulags computer system. The packets of data contain thousands of codecs, googles of information. All this is sent back to earth and what is discovered is truly disturbing.
After sifting through an unimaginable amount of information, Nasa stumbled upon billions of video files, it's scientists were ecstatic.. that is, until they started watching the footage. Two years after the discovery of the footage from The Gulag, all the scientists were dead. Every scientist that had viewed the footage had killed him or herself in one way or another.
Making matters worse for Nasa, the return of The Gulag was leaked to the press and soon the entire world knew. In the end, Nasa was forced to broadcast earth's triumphant return to The Gulag. It sounds so tragic and silly now, what was so triumphant about returning to a place where people were known to be tortured? What happens when order breaks down in a place like that? Karina's mind flooded with nightmarish imagery, twisting jaws, knashing teeth, blood, the screams of the the astronauts. Karina shuddered.
After the suicides, the tapes were locked up and it was decided that a crew would be sent to investigate. The first crew failed to reach the ship, which is why Karina was here. It was up to her and the rest of the crew to get inside the Gulag and figure out what happened. What kind of terrifying nightmare awaited them inside those metal walls? Walls that could be heated up, like an oven, if a prisoner misbehaved? Somewhere inside her, Karina knew this was a suicide mission.
Karina was still lost in thought as Chane walked away.
"I'll meet you on the bridge in 10 minutes, suit up."
Karina ignored him. She had heard one of her commanding officers say that the prison was an all males prison, even the guards, which was routine. Most of the men were scumbags and having a woman in any vicinity was as good as throwing her to a pack of wolves. What Karina didn't understand was what she had heard next. with a laugh, her commanding officer told the rest of the class that the insane asylum portion of the ship had been co-ed.
Karina had gasped but none of the other students had put together what that meant. If anyone was left, what kind of people were being bred on that ship? Karina eyes suddenly focused on an object outside the window, a body. She watched it twist in slow motion past the ship, it's eyes were gouged out and the lower-half of it's jaw was missing, the bottom half of it's body was gone too and it's arms were gone and replaced with legs. The body continued it's quiet dance as it faded out of view. Karina took a deep breath, she had been prepared for this sort of thing... but no amount of prepartion could prepare her for the unknown. What could possibly lie ahead?
Exhaling, Karina gave one last glance at The Gulag, then left to meet Chane at the bridge.