Well, littlebigapocalypse.com is up and ready for business. I decided to create a site for LBA after doing one for Reboot (http://www.thedamagedbads.com). Please check it out if you get a chance! There isn't much there but when the next episode is released there will be a ton more content.
Little Big Apocalypse: episode 2 will be released very soon, along with 2 coinciding manga chapters. Very excited to get all this content I've been spending months creating off my hands... stay tuned...
Also I need voice actors, let me know if you're interested!
EDIT: LBA made the top 5 :D
I'm willing to be involved, dunno if you want me for the computer part but if you would like to hear me audition for it, or if you'd like me for some other part, feel free to let me know!
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/407854">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/407854</a>
I'll check it out