Lots of work.. and hopefully getting a new computer soon. My flash work has been slowed down big time because I need a new computer. Meanwhile I've been working on my comic, Little Big Apocalypse.... and I think when I finally finish up the final episode of Reboot, it will have benefited quite a bit from all the practice and drawing.
If you haven't read the comic, check it out here!:
I wish I could transport what I'm seeing in my head directly into flash, so people could see more clearly what the comic is about.... and I wouldn't have to draw so goddamn much :D
Anyway, I've managed to get Little Big Apocalypse hosted on a few big manga sites, so it seems to be spreading.. just gotta increase the momentum. After I release the next chapter of the manga, I'm going to be spending my freetime working on Reboot 13 and Little Big Apocalypse 3 (animation)...
The last episode is going to be pretty epic and will bring almost all the characters together for a strange, violent, unforgettable finale.
Finally an update, I was starting to get worried!
I cannot wait for both new episodes, but moreso for reboot.
Congrats on the manga getting more attention, I assume that would be pretty tough to do since manga has been around much longer than flash stuff has.