Little Big Apocalypse, REBOOT/Damaged Bads

I don't know


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JMartin97's News

Posted by JMartin97 - March 7th, 2012

As I've been animating the final episode of my cartoon Reboot I've been cracking open the Dreamcast library and playing some of my old favorite games. There seems to be a lot of nostalgia surrounding the Dreamcast, and for good reason, Sega really took chances with art and gameplay back then, something Nintendo should try these days..

To be honest, I think the videogame industry, or at least the console/PC industry is in a bit of a funk. It seems like the only people taking chances are indie devs, all the commercial games are sequels. During the Dreamcast's release, Sega really gave it all they had to try to make the console a success. Those games could still be highly profitable I think, as the people that played them enter their early 20's and start to get all nostalgic and contemplative about death :O

The art style of Jet Set Radio looks great even today, it was a bit like WindWaker in that the art trumps the technical limitations. I feel the same way about Power Stone too, probably my favorite fighting game of all time besides smash. It's a real shame Capcom just sort of gave up on this IP, a Power Stone with updated graphics would sell very well.

Since Space Channel 5 is a big part of Reboot 13 (the last episode, ahem), I've kind of been studying it. I'm also motion-capturing some of it, so Ulala can use some of her dance moves from the games in the episode. I think I'll leave it at that, since I don't want to spoil anymore.

Epic last episode coming in the next 3-4 months... pretty much looking to break every taboo in the episode as well. It's the only true way to send the series off.. a fun, nearly illegal, chaotic... orgy of violence :D

Jet Set Radio HD

Posted by JMartin97 - February 5th, 2012

Like other newgrounders, I am impatiently counting the hours until the new design hits. We've all been staring at this version of newgrounds for the last 4/5 years, so I'm sure it will be a slight change for some people.. I'm hoping that the layout is good enough that people will be comfortable pretty fast.

I've been a member of this site since 1999(I have a strong feeling some of you were born after that date o_O), so I've been around for most of newgrounds different iterations, it's funny to think what newgrounds and the portal USED to be; hand selected flashes picked by Tom and usually made by Tom, there was no submission system, user names, grounds gold, daily top 5... old old oldgrounds was a shadow of it's current self... and alot has been accomplished.

I still remember waiting patiently for flash to install on my Windows 95 (or maybe 3.1?) computer so I could punch Barney in the face on Newgrounds... it's probably one of my earliest moments of excitement on the internet... and has paved the way for what I'm doing now.

I couldn't believe "flash" could exist when I installed it, I was used to the only motion online being gif animations or really super-blurry videos. After being on newgrounds so much, I started to become curious about the program flash.. I downloaded the 30 day trial.. and I've been using it ever since. It's kind of nostalgic to think about.

Anyway, Newgrounds has completely changed the internet, it was the 4chan before 4chan... and was creating memes before the public decided it was cool. Newgrounds is where a shit-ton of internet pop culture comes from and I think anyone that has had the privelage of being a member on the site for a while, will tell you Newgrounds is one of the best creative communities on the internet/planet.


Posted by JMartin97 - December 10th, 2011

Lots of work.. and hopefully getting a new computer soon. My flash work has been slowed down big time because I need a new computer. Meanwhile I've been working on my comic, Little Big Apocalypse.... and I think when I finally finish up the final episode of Reboot, it will have benefited quite a bit from all the practice and drawing.

If you haven't read the comic, check it out here!:


I wish I could transport what I'm seeing in my head directly into flash, so people could see more clearly what the comic is about.... and I wouldn't have to draw so goddamn much :D

Anyway, I've managed to get Little Big Apocalypse hosted on a few big manga sites, so it seems to be spreading.. just gotta increase the momentum. After I release the next chapter of the manga, I'm going to be spending my freetime working on Reboot 13 and Little Big Apocalypse 3 (animation)...

The last episode is going to be pretty epic and will bring almost all the characters together for a strange, violent, unforgettable finale.

Little Big Apocalypse and Reboot 13

Posted by JMartin97 - October 26th, 2011

Just finished the seventh chapter of my online manga, Little Big Apocalypse. I think this chapter is quite a step up from the others, I never realized how much work comic artists do, now I know.. and dear god, it is staggering.

Check out the new chapter and checkout Sackboy's new and dangerous weapon.

Read Little Big Apocalypse 7 - Gravitational Beam Emitter

Gravitational Beam Emitter

Posted by JMartin97 - September 18th, 2011

I just released Chapter 6 of my manga Little Big Apocalypse. I released the last 3 comics in the last 3 weeks.... the newest one is a step above the others though.

From the website traffic, it seems like I'm getting hundreds of new views o_O

Here's a screenshot from the newest FULL COLOR 20-PAGE comic.

New Chapter of my  Horror Manga

Posted by JMartin97 - September 10th, 2011

Little Big Apocalypse - Chapter 5

Trying to keep some momentum by releasing these week after week. Last week I released Chapter 4 and this week I'm releasing Chapter 5, next week 6. A few websites have agreed to host my comic, one is a pretty popular manga site actually. If all goes well LBA will be a weekly comic, which was always my intention. I could make things much more detailed but I want to make it possible to do a comic every week or at least work towards that in a realistic way.

Work is well underway on the next Little Big Apocalypse animation, it includes everything in comics 3-6 and a completely new segment. Check out the new chapter and some new art in my profile!

Little Big Apocalypse  #5

Posted by JMartin97 - September 2nd, 2011

Just finished and uploaded the fourth chapter of my comic, Little Big Apocalypse. I just finished what will probably be the 8,9,10,11th chapters and now I'm working on getting them into the computer and inking them. I'm doing all this because I plan to publish the comic in book form and do a kickstarter project. Hopefully it will go better than Pigpen's.. although he did end up being sponsored by newgrounds for Morphemon...

I just got back from vacation so I haven't been animating much. I did do a whole lot of drawing on vacation though, I bought a ton of art supplies and some nice mechanical graphing pencils. I did about 75 pages of comic and I'm really excited to get it online.

Check out Chapter 4 if you can:

Little Big Apocalypse

Chapter 4 of my Manga Released (COMIC)

Posted by JMartin97 - July 29th, 2011

For anyone following Little Big Apocalypse, the animation and manga. I just released chapter 3 on the website. It takes place directly after episode 2 of the animation. It's full-color and done in korean webtoon style, very tall pages.

Chapter 4 will be released sometime this month and is longer than this chapter. To give you an idea of how far along everything is, I'm currently working on chapter 7.

If you get a chance, check out my indie manga/graphic novel, Little Big Apocalypse.

Little Big Apocalypse

(image below is from chapter 6)

New Chapter of Little Big Apocalypse Manga Released

Posted by JMartin97 - July 7th, 2011

Well lets update everyone on my projects real fast.

I'm working on:

Reboot 13
Little Big Apocalypse 3 (Animation)
Little Big Apocalypse Chapter 3/4 (comic)
Little Big Apocalypse Graphic Novel (100 full color pages)

Reboot 13
Has changed a lot and will hopefully bring "Reboot" back to it's former glory right before it ends.

Little Big Apocalypse 3
LBA 3 has changed a bit as well and will diverge from the comic. I'm really excited to get these episodes out because I feel like they are cutting edge. I'm not sure what about them is cutting edge... but they will be pretty exciting and in ways you might not have seen in cartoons before.

LBA manga/graphic novel
Blllehh do you know how time-consuming coloring in 100 pages of handdrawn art is? It makes you go to bed excited cause you worked hard and you think it looks good.. then you wake up and you didn't get any sleep cause you were up all night on Photoshop. You go to work and you say "I fucking suck why am I wasting my time on this." Then you get home from work and continue until the fucking job is done.

I'm going to actually have all 100 pages printed and put in a real book that people can buy if they want. I also feel like a book is a pretty good resume item to bring in.. like hey.. oh this is my book. *throws book on table* I'll get back to you on what happens after the book hits the table, I don't have a book yet so I don't know, but I'm assuming they will immediately hire me.

What I'm excited about: I can't wait to finish Reboot 13! Finally the end! Ahhhh no more Render or Violet or any of them... only Sackboy. Yup, it's the end of the road for "Reboot", the title will have (FINAL) in it, so people know, it's final...

What I'm up to

Posted by JMartin97 - June 15th, 2011

Hey check out some new art I just put up in the art portal, it's a page from the next chapter of Little Big apocalypse.. the comics are color.
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jma rtin97/lba-chapter-5-still

Working on Reboot 13 and Little Big Apocalypse 3. I haven't slept in 2 days o_O I think I might be an insomniac. Check out Little Big Apocalypse! Goodnight!

Reboot 13 and Little Big Apocalypse 3.. and art!